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Tushar Pol

SEO & Content Marketer

Tushar has been involved in SEO for the past four years, specializing in content strategy and technical SEO. He gained his experience in agencies, where he worked on various ecommerce and B2B clients. On Semrush blog, he writes about SEO and marketing based on experience drawn from his client work, focusing on sharing practical and effective strategies. His goal is to turn Semrush blog into the ultimate destination for learning SEO and web marketing.


SEO multilingüe
Guía definitiva de Google Search Console
Qué es una URL
SEO para blog

SEO para Blog: Cómo Optimizar tu Blog para los Buscadores

Hoy aprenderás exactamente cómo optimizar tu blog para mejorar tu SEO y conseguir más tráfico. Hemos utilizado los pasos de este artículo para hacer crecer nuestro propio blog hasta aproximadamente 1,1 millones de visitas orgánicas al mes.
jul 24, 2023